
Sunday 26 February 2012

Question 1: 9 Frame Analysis

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions for the real media products?

Since our media product was the opening to a film I think that we stuck to the conventions the film began with establishing and panning shots. Futheron in the film the title sequence began which helped intorduce our media product and gave the audience an idea on what it was about. We did challenge the forms and conventions for the media product aince we didn't want to go ahead with the normal way of putting the title sequence right at the beginning of the film.

The title of the film:
The title of our film is 'Another Day,' the title is introduced at the end of the opening; this is done because we wanted to foreshadow the film and to also draw the audience in. Before the titles appears there's a voice over of one of our main characters explaining both the story and title.

For our establishing shot we took various shots to create the idea of 'morning after' which links to the title 'Another Day.' We done this by starting our shot by showing rush hour with a busy train, ticket machine and people getting onto the train, doing this gives the impression that it's the beginning of a new day which relates to 'Another Day.' We also showed shots of houses which are in the area we shot our film in, the town hall and the park. Since our film is based on a party that happened the night before, by filming these shots shows that it's 'new' day also showing that it's the start of a new week, and the effects the night before has on our characters.

Costume and Props:
The characters various props were shown in the first initial footage which set the scene of a party; to set this scene we used decorations, party cups and empty bottles; with the use of our props we wanted to make the scene look like the morning after an outrageous party. As for costume, for our 'nerd' character Ned Flames he is made to wear braces, glasses and a shirt to show his dorky character, to portray his personality/character we had notebooks, and large school books.

We took a range of different shots and edited to reflect our genre and the music that's used; this consisted of slow pan shots and the different transitions used to give it the smooth and natural effect. We wanted to use shots that were appropriate for our genre; since our genre is a ROMCOM two-shots were used to show both characters having a conversation, and we're also able to see their facial expressions cleary. Pan shots were also used but they were used slowly to help create the 'romantic' atmosphere, doing this would help draw the audience in.

Title font and style:
The title font we decided to choose is 'American typewriter.' This is done purposely to show that it is an american style theme done in a British way. This is also done to help portray our genre 'Teen Rom Com' which appeals to our target audience. We also thought that the style of our font would really appeal to our audience.

Story and how the opening sets it up: 
The opening starts with a range of different shots of the morning that links to the storyline which is about the aftermath of a party the night before. The music, shots, and transitions used portray the teen-ROMCOM genre, giving it an uplifting feel to it showing that not only is it going to be enjoyable but romantic as well.

Genre & how the opening suggests it:
Our genre being a 'Teen Rom Com,' the opening helps suggest this since we're introduced to a house after a party the night before, as we get an establishing shot of the house we see props that give off the impression that its a teen movie. After the establishing shots of the setting and location, there's an establishing shot of one of the characters feet walking towards the stairs, and as the character makes her way down the stairs she gives one of our other main characters on his cheek, which may indicate that they've just had sex.

How characters are introduced:
Most of the characters are introduced in different ways, the first character we're introduced to is the girl who we see walking down the stairs. As she is walking down we're also introduced to one of our main characters 'Rick Flames' who she kisses as she makes her way down. The second main character 'Ned Flames' is introduced using a panning shot of him watching t.v, doing this the audience then get an understanding of his character and the type of person he is.

Special effects:
Using special effects to help us transition to different moments smoothly, but doing so we did discover some problems, some of the transitions didn't work very well due to some of the scenes not going well together, and the transitions not creating the atmosphere that we wanted it to create as a ROMCOM for our audience. The pictures below show how the transitions did go well with our clips, and how they faded out well.

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